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Information of the AsiaTEFL Book Series   

The AsiaTEFL Book Series has published 10 academic volumes in collaboration with prominent publishers including Routledge.

The outstanding Professor Bernard Spolsky was Editor in-Chief of the Book Series since the time of its inception in 2007. With the passing of Professor Spolsky in 2022, joint Presidents of Asia TEFL (Professor Suwarsih Madya and Professor Joo-Kyung Park) have appointed Dr Subhan Zein as the new Editor-in-Chief.

Dr Zein has developed new initiatives for the AsiaTEFL Book Series, including recruiting Editorial Board Members. The AsiaTEFL Editorial Board now consists of 15 internationally celebrated scholars who have strong expertise in the English language and English language education in Asia, including Professor Anthony J. Liddicoat (Warwick University, UK), Professor Yuko Goto Butler (University of Pennsylvania, USA), and Professor Xuesong (Andy) Gao (University of New South Wales, Australia). The Series has also offered new types of publication, expanded its publication coverage, and clarified procedures for peer review. It is also currently in negotiation with Routledge to be part of its ever-expanding publication platform, ensuring that all published books in the Series are Scopus-indexed.

The AsiaTEFL Book Series aims to become a rigorous academic publication outlet for scholars wanting to publish edited volumes and research monographs focusing on the English language and English language education in Asia.

The Series publishes edited volumes and research monographs which focus on innovative studies into the English language and English language education in Asia. The specific geographical focus includes any country in Asia or any region in Asia.

Contributors may critically examine the role of English in the formal education system or its use as a medium of instruction in a given country or region in Asia. However, rather than solely focusing on English, contributors are encouraged to take a broad sociolinguistic approach by examining the interrelationship between English and other languages in the country’s/region’s linguistic ecology. Examination of English in the education system or its use as a medium of instruction and its complex and dynamic relation with a national language and indigenous languages is of great interest, as are comparative studies involving two or more countries.

The Series also opens up opportunities to scholars wanting to examine Asian Englishes and English as a lingua franca. Explorations of the way English spreads in an Asian country or region, its use and development, as well as the status and corpus analysis of local varieties of English are welcome. So are investigations of English in a diverse range of settings; for example, in lingua franca situations involving English. Contributors seeking to explore either of these niches of research must ensure an adequate portion is dedicated to pedagogical implications.

The Series offers space for in-depth Asian-based research into the English language and English language education in Asia. The research may focus on any of the following topics:
  • language revitalisation
  • linguistic corpora
  • discourse analysis
  • materials development
  • language teaching methodology
  • intercultural language teaching
  • teacher identity
  • language teacher education
  • linguistic landscape
  • language ideologies
  • second language acquisition (SLA)
  • pragmatics
  • language testing and assessment
  • language and the media
  • Asian Englishes
  • language planning and policy
  • language and technology
  • translanguaging
  • English as a lingua franca
  • linguistic human rights

For example, one may wish to write a monograph about the identify of English teachers in Afghanistan, and another may want to edit an academic volume on the impact of the spread of English on Kazakhstan’s linguistic landscape.

Subhan Zein, PhD
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung, Indonesia

Editorial Board
Professor Anthony Liddicoat, University of Warwick, UK
Professor Hayo Reinders, Anaheim University, USA
Professor Yuko Goto Butler, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Professor Xuesong (Andy) Gao, University of New South Wales, Australia
Professor Angel Lin, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Professor Lawrence Zhang, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Professor Paul Kei Matsuda, Arizona State University, USA
Professor Ali Derakhshan, Golestan University, Iran
Professor Emeritus Azirah Hashim, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Professor Arifa Rahman, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Professor Ee Ling Low, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Professor Hikyoung Lee, Korea University, South Korea
Professor Seyyed-Abdolhamid Mirhosseini, The University of Hong Kong
Professor Brian Paltridge, The University of Sydney, Australia

The AsiaTEFL Book Series invites authors to contact the Editor-in-Chief with proposals for new monographs or edited volumes. Authors who wish to write a research monograph, those wishing to turn their doctorate thesis into a monograph, and those putting together previous studies into a cohesive book, are welcome to submit their proposals. Scholar(s) planning to edit a volume are encouraged to assemble a group of contributors and discuss their plans with the Editor-in-Chief (

Peer Review
All book proposals and manuscripts submitted to the AsiaTEFL Book Series will undergo at least triple blind reviews.

Dr Subhan Zein will facilitate the review process. He will assign two Editorial Board Members to review each book proposal or manuscript. Up to two external reviewers will also be assigned to review the proposal or manuscript. The process will result in the involvement of maximum 4 or minimum 3 reviewers for each book proposal and manuscript. All published monographs and edited volumes will be Scopus-indexed.

For more information, please contact

단체명: AsiaTEFL (아시아영어교육학회)
고유번호: 605-82-77130
소재지: 광주광역시 광산구 호남대길 59, 1층 4101호
대표자: 박주경