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2006 Conference |
Call for Presentations |
The 2006 Asia TEFL International Conference
Spreading Our Wings: Meeting TEFL Challenges
Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka, Japan
August 18th~20th, 2006
The Asia TEFL International Conference Committee is now accepting presentation proposals in the content areas listed below for its 4th conference to be held in FukuokaJapan in August, 2006. The official language for the conference, including presentations and submissions, is English.
Invited Speakers |
Invited Speakers: Six internationally renowned scholars will each be giving a 50-min. plenary presentation as well as a concurrent session presentation. The Conference will also feature six well-known speakers from the Asian regions. These featured speakers will be giving 40-min. presentations on issues in the eight content areas listed below.
Concurrent Session Presenters In 15-20 concurrent sessions, around 450 presenters are expected to share their ideas and the results of their research in 30-min. time slots. The Conference committee is calling for submission of presentation proposals in the content areas listed below. All presenters are encouraged to submit research papers of their presentations to the Journal of Asia TEFL
Content Areas |
- TEFL Theory and Methodology
- Proficiency Goals and Assessment
- Education Policy
- Curriculum/Materials Development
- International/Intercultural Communication
- Teacher Education
- Teaching Young Learners
- Multimedia-Assisted Language Teaching
These content areas may include the following:
- Elementary Education
- Secondary Education
- College/University Education
- Testing and Evaluation
- Curriculum Design
- Materials Writing and Design
- Teacher Training and Development
- CALL and Its Role in the Classroom
- Classroom-Based/Action Research
- Teaching English through English
- Language/Culture Awareness in the Classroom
- Language Acquisition
- Alternative Approaches and Methodologies
- Music, Art, and Literature in the Classroom
Document Submission Requirements |
The deadline for submission of presentation proposals is March 15, 2006. The abstract should consist of 250 words with the title at the top of the page and the name of the presenter(s) and their affiliation below the title on the right. Biographical data should not exceed 100 words and should be written on a separate page in the third person. Thirty minutes are allotted for a research paper presentation, and sixty minutes for a workshop or colloquium. Those who are outside of Japan should send the presentation proposal with the abstract and biographical data to the following address:
Prof. Robert Dickey
Gyeongju University, School of Foreign Languages & Tourism
42-1 Hyohyeon-dong, Gyeongju, Gyeongbuk S. KOREA 780-712
Tel: +82-54-770-5136
Email: AsiaTEFL@2-mail.com
Those who are within Japan should send the presentation proposals with the abstract and biographical data to the following address:
Prof. Naoko Ozeki
Faculty of Business Administration, Meiji University
1-9-1 Eifukucho, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-8555
Tel: 03-5300-1263
Fax: 03-5300-1202
Email: naoko467@kisc.meiji.ac.jp
Travel Grants |
Travel grants of US$300 are available for 40 concurrent session presenters. The awardees will be selected by the Asia TEFL International Conference Committee on the basis of proposal and travel grant application merit. Preference will be given to the 10 best submissions dealing with the most innovative and affective means of teaching and learning. This funding is available for presenters based outside of Japan.
All presenters receiving grants from Asia TEFL are required to submit research papers of their presentations to the Journal of Asia TEFL, publication of which is to be determined upon review by the Journal Editorial Board. The deadline for submission of presentation proposals and travel grant application forms is February 28, 2006. The abstracts should consist of 500 words with the title at the top of the page and the name of the presenter(s) and their affiliation below the title on the right. Biographical data should not exceed 100 words and should be written on a separate page in the third person. Send the presentation proposal with the abstract, biographical data, and the travel grant application form to the following address:
Prof. Jihyeon Jeon
Ewha Woman's University, College of Business
11-1 Daehyeon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea 120-750
Tel: +82-2 -3277-3557
Email: travelgrant@yahoo.co.kr
Registration Fee |
Registration for members is`4.000 yen for those who are within Japan,
US$30.00 for those who are outside of Japan,
Half of the price for students.
Registration for non members is US$50.00,
Half of the price for students.
Plenary Speakers: (As of February 1, 2006) |
- Prof. GRABE, William (Northern Arizona Univ., U.S.A.)
- Prof. KAWASHIMA Ryuta (Tohoku National Univ., Japan)
- Prof. PENNYCOOK, Alastair (Univ. of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
- Prof. LEE Wong-key (Seoul National Univ. of Education, Korea)
- Prof. Alastair Pennycook(Univ. of Technology Sydney, Australia)
- Prof. John Sinclair (Univ. of Birmingham, U.K.)
Featured Speakers: (As of February 1, 2006) |
- Prof. KOIKE Ikuo (Meikai Univ., Japan)
- Prof. CHOI Yeon-hee (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea)
- Prof. WEN Quifang (Beijing Foreign Studies Univ., China)
- Prof. GARGESH, Ravinder (Univ. of Delhi, India)
- Prof. VETHAMANI, Malchi Edwin (Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)
- Prof. CHEW, Phyllis Ghim Lian (Nanyang Technology Univ., Singapore)
- Prof. RAHMAN, Arifa (Presidency Univ., Bangladesh)
- Prof. MANSOOR, Sabia (Aga Khan Univ., Pakistan)
Supported by |
The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology (LET); The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT);
The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET); The Japan Language Testing Association (JLTA);
The Japan Society of English Language Education (JSELE); etc.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (JAPAN);
Fukuoka Prefectural Board of Education; Fukuoka City Board of Education; Kita-kyushu City Board of Education; etc.
You are invited to make a presentation. (Application Deadline: March 15, 2006)
Please refer to http://www.asiatefl.org/