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2007 Conference
Call for Presentations   

The 5th Asia TEFL International Conference
Empowering Asia: New Paradigms in English Language Education
Organized by
Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)
8th - 10th June 2007
Plenary Speakers
  • David Graddol, The English Company (UK) Ltd.
  • Gunther Kress, University of London, U.K.
  • Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia
  • Joseph Lo Bianco, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Jun Liu, University of Arizona, U.S.A.
  • Paul Kei Matsuda, University of New Hampshire, U.S.A.
  • Ronald Carter, University of Nottingham, U.K.
Featured Speakers
Invited speakers from:
Malaysia, Hong Kong, Iran, Philippines, Russia, Thailand,Vietnam, Indonesia, China and Korea
Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)
First Floor, Wisma Penyayang, 6, Jalan Equine, Taman Equine, Bandar Putra
Permai, 4330 Seri Serdand, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel. No. +603-89441027 Fax. No. +603-89453137 Mobile: 017-6047490
Email: Website:
Conference Organizers:
In the summer of 2002, Asia TEFL was launched under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Hyo Woong Lee, immediate past-president of the Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE). The establishment of the organization received strong support from organizational leaders in many other Asian countries who share the vision of making Asia TEFL a truly international organization. The first Regional Representatives meeting, attended by representatives of Japan, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Korea, was held in Seoul on March 15, 2003. At that meeting, the drafts of the Asia TEFL Constitution and the Organizational Guidelines were finalized, and Dr. Hyo Woong Lee was nominated and approved by the Representatives as the Founding President. The goals of Asia TEFL are to promote scholarship, disseminate information, and facilitate cross-cultural understanding among persons concerned with the teaching and learning of English in Asia. In order to accomplish this, Asia TEFL will link ELT professionals in joint research on issues and concerns regarding English teaching and learning in the Asian context; publish an academic journal, The Journal of Asia TEFL as an internationally recognized journal in the field of English language teaching; host conferences and seminars addressing important issues concerning ELT in Asia; develop proficiency guidelines and assessment methods designed for the needs of the Asian context and develop programs for Asian learners and teachers of English to build their English language proficiency and cultural understanding and provide them with the skills required to be efficient English teaching professionals. To date, Asia TEFL has organized four conferences: Busan, South Korea (2003), Seoul, South Korea (2004), Beijing, China (2005) and Fukuoka, Japan (2006). Nearly 1,000 participants attended each of these conferences. Asia TEFL has about 6,600 members from over 54 regions all over the world.outside Malaysia, and introduce Malaysia to
The Malaysian English Language Teaching Association, popularly known as MELTA, is a voluntary, non-profit organization, run by Malaysian academics. Officially formed in 1982, MELTA aims to promote English language education in Malaysia. MELTA has some 1000 members, most of whom are practising teachers of English in the Malaysian education system, ranging from pre-school teachers to university academics, and also parents who have active interests in their children's language development. Since August 2000, MELTA has launched its national chapters in Seremban, Seberang Jaya, Kota Baru, Ipoh, Melaka, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan, Johor Bahru, Batu Pahat, Miri, Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, Tawau, Sandakan and Kuala Lumpur. These chapters help to ensure that MELTA meets the needs of the varied English language teaching situations and fulfil its aspiration to be a truly national and professional English language teaching association. In its effort to encourage scholarship, MELTA publishes the journal The English Teacher annually. It also publishes and distributes its official newsletter thrice in a year to help publicize the various educational activities carried out or planned by the organization for its members and the general public. MELTA also has an online research-based journal called the Malaysian Journal of English Language Research on its official website ( The website also provides updates to its members on developments in the field of English language teaching in Malaysia and around the world. MELTA is also active in organizing international and national level ELT conferences. MELTA’s first biennial international conference was held in May 1991 and its first national conference in 2000. MELTA conferences help bring teachers together, allow them to share experiences, acquaint them with current thinking in ESL/EFL, introduce the Malaysian ELT community to ESL/EFL professionals from those from abroad.
Call for Presentation
The Conference Organising Committee invites presentation proposal and registration for the conference which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 8th to 10th June, 2007. The official language for the conference, including presentations and submissions, is English.
Content Areas
The Conference organising committee invites submission of presentation proposals in the content areas listed below:
  • Alternative Approaches and Methodologies
  • Classroom-Based/Action Research
  • Curriculum Design
  • Distance Education
  • Education/Language Policy
  • Intercultural Awareness in the Classroom
  • Language Acquisition
  • Materials Writing and Design
  • Motivation in Language Education
  • Multimedia and ICT in the Language Classroom
  • Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles
  • Music, Art and Literature in the Classroom
  • Special Education
  • Teacher Education and Development
  • Teaching English through English
  • Teaching Young Learners
  • TEFL Theory and Methodology
  • Testing and Evaluation
Invited presentations
Seventeen internationally renowned guest speakers will be featured in the conference.
Concurrent sessions
Approximately 450 international presenters are expected to share their ideas in 30-minute sessions.
Types of Presentations
  • Paper - 30 minutes
    A paper discusses and describes something the presenter has done or is doing in relation to either theory or practice. A paper is most effectively presented orally as an address to the audience with reference to notes or text, rather than as a rapid reading of a prepared text. The abstract submitted should include a summarized version of the paper, central idea, supporting evidence and conclusion.
  • Workshop - 60 minutes
    In a workshop, one or more leaders work with a group, helping participants to solve a problem or develop a specific teaching or research technique. There is very little lecturing by the leader or leaders. The abstract should include a statement of the workshop's goal, a summary of the theoretical framework, and a precise description of the tasks to be performed during the workshop.
  • Demonstration - 30 minutes
    A demonstration shows a technique for teaching, learning or testing. The presenter's statement of the theory underlying the technique should take about five minutes followed by the demonstration. The abstract should include a brief statement of the presenter's central purpose and a description of what will be demonstrated and how it will be done.
  • Poster Presentation - 30 minutes
    Posters should be no more than 24” (61 cm) x 48” (122 cm). Each presenter is entitled to a maximum of two posters. Poster presenters must be present to explain and discuss their posters at the time allocated in the programme. The abstract submitted should include a brief description of the central idea underlying the poster(s). Presenters are responsible for mounting and removing their posters.
  • Panel/Colloquium - 60 minutes
    A colloquium provides both formal presentation and participant discussion. It is a forum for a group of scholars to discuss current issues in ESL/EFL and for open discussion among all in attendance. Presenters exchange papers in advance and make formal responses to each other’s positions. The organizer of the colloquium is responsible for securing the participation of individuals representing various viewpoints in the field before submitting a proposal.
  • Product Presentation - 30/60 minutes
    A commercial product presentation can be in the form of a paper, demonstration or a workshop. During the presentation, a company, publisher, or organization can introduce, present or describe a product. The abstract submitted should be in line with the type of presentation.
Document Submission Requirements
Deadline for submission of presentation proposals: 31st January 2007.
Length of abstract: Maximum 250 words
Biographical data: Maximum 50 words
Submission of proposal:
  • Online submission - and
  • Regular mail: 5th Asia TEFL Conference Organising Committee, MELTA Office, First Floor, Wisma Penyayang, 6, Jalan Equine, Taman Equine, Bandar Putra Permai, 43300 Sri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia

All presenters are encouraged to submit research papers of their presentations to the Journal of Asia TEFL, the Association's refereed scholarly journal, to be considered for publication.

Conference Fees: USD80/RM300
MELTA Members: RM280
Fees include: Programme Book and complimentary conference materials, 6 teas, 3 lunches and 1 dinner

Mode of payment:
  • Bankers Cheque/Bank draft
  • Electronic transfer
  • Cheques
  • Local orders

Presenters/ participants shall bear all additional banking and clearance charges. The organizers reserve the right to reject the participation of individuals who have not met the stipulated requirement.
Application Forms
All application forms ? presentation proposal, presenter travel grant application, and membership application form ? are available at the Asia TEFL website: and MELTA website:
Travel Grants
Travel grants of US$300 are available for 30 concurrent session presenters. The awardees will be selected by the Asia TEFL International Conference Committee on the basis of proposal and travel grant application merit. Preference will be given to the 10 best submissions dealing with the most innovative and affective means of teaching and learning. This funding is available for presenters based outside of Malaysia.

All presenters receiving grants from Asia TEFL are required to submit research papers of their presentations to the Journal of Asia TEFL, publication of which is to be determined upon review by the Journal Editorial Board. The deadline for submission of presentation proposal and travel grant application form is 15 December 2006. The abstract should consist of 500 words with the title at the top of the page and the name of the presenter(s) and their affiliation below the title on the right. Biographical data should not exceed 100 words and should be written on a separate page in the third person. Send the presentation proposal with the abstract, biographical data, and the travel grant application form to the following address:

Prof. Joo-Kyung Park, Ph.D
Dept. of English Language and Literature
Honam University
Gwangju 506-714, S. Korea
Tel: +82-62-940-5310 Email:

단체명: AsiaTEFL (아시아영어교육학회)
고유번호: 605-82-77130
소재지: 광주광역시 광산구 호남대길 59, 1층 4101호
대표자: 박주경