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2014 Conference
   Call for Presentations        12th Conference Gallery

Call for Presentations   

12th International AsiaTEFL Conference
23rd MELTA International Conference
Developing Sustainable Quality in English Language Education:
Evolving Policies, Innovating Practices, Transforming Learning

Borneo Convention Centre Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

28 - 30 August 2014
Conference Description
    The 12th AsiaTEFL International Conference invites delegates to share, discuss and deliberate on the issue of Developing Sustainable Quality in English Language Education in Asia. The meeting encourages ELT professionals to share innovations in sustainability directed policies, pedagogies and learning systems. AsiaTEFL believe that any attempt to ensure sustainable quality in English education has to take into cognisance the changing nature of the English language, its transforming purpose, its use in changing contexts and its role in reframing transnational communication.

    This event brings together education policy makers, practitioners and scholars to engage and collaborate with colleagues from around the world not only to solve key problems in the world of ELT and education but also to develop sustainable professional networks focused on the long term advancement of ELT related research and knowledge.
Conference Sub-themes
    Papers, workshops, panel discussions, poster presentations and demonstrations can address the following areas:
education policy
programme design
teacher education
evaluation and assessment
language arts and literature
multiple literacies
Early literacy development
special education needs
differentiated instruction
linguistics and language awareness
teaching and learning modes and resources
public-private partnership projects
corporate social responsibility programmes and projects
Materials development
Open/distance learning
Other related area
Presentation Format/Duration
    Presentations may be in the form of:
  • Paper presentations (30 mins)
  • Poster presentations (30 mins)
  • Workshops (60 mins)
  • Panel discussions (60 mins)
  • Commercial product demonstrations (60 mins)
  • Creative Teacher Showcase (Full day exhibition)

All presentations shall be made in English
Important Dates
Submission of Abstract and biodata:
    1 March 2014

Notification of Acceptance:
    1 April 2014

Registration and Payment:
    1 May 2014

Submission of full paper for Conference CD*:
    1 May 2014

*Papers submitted for inclusion in the conference CD proceedings will be considered for publication in either of the two MELTA journals (Malaysian Journal of ELT Research and The English Teacher). The CD will have an ISBN. 3
Presenters Responsibilities
    Presenters must submit a 250-word abstract of their presentations and a 50-word biodata (include email address).
  • Presentations selected for the conference must not have their conceptual content changed substantially after acceptance.
  • The lead presenter is responsible for informing the co-presenter(s) of all correspondence received.
  • Presenters should check the for updates
  • All presenters must complete the registration process by 1 May 2014, failing which the submitted abstract will be considered withdrawn.
Notification of Abstract Acceptance
    Notification of abstract acceptance will be made by 1 April 2014. Presenters who do not hear from us should contact MELTA for clarification.
Conference Registration
    The registration fee covers lunch, snacks, a conference kit, and access to all sessions for the duration of the three-day conference.
  • MELTA Member/Student in Malaysian Institution:
RM 420
  • AsiaTEFL member (fee paying):
USD 140
  • Non-Member (Malaysian):
RM 480
  • International Presenter/Participant (non-member):
USD 170
  • Product Demonstration Presenter:
RM 600/USD 200
  • Malaysia primary and secondary teachers and Malaysian students group registration (5 or more) rate:
RM 400 4
Conference Venue
    The 12th AsiaTEFL conference will be held at the Borneo Convention Centre, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Please visit and for more information about the location and venue.
28 - 30 August 2014

단체명: AsiaTEFL (아시아영어교육학회)
고유번호: 605-82-77130
소재지: 광주광역시 광산구 호남대길 59, 1층 4101호
대표자: 박주경