Indexed in SCOPUS |
New |
  Constitution |
Article I. Name, Goal, and Official Language |
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be the 'Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language,' and its abbreviated form shall be 'AsiaTEFL', hereafter referred to as AsiaTEFL.
Section 2. Goal. AsiaTEFL is to serve as a secular, nonpolitical forum that brings together ELT professionals in the Asia region to collect, disseminate, and discuss information on English language teaching and learning in the Asian context with the objective of promoting scholarship which will lead to improvements in the way English is both learned and taught. This will be accomplished primarily through conferences, meetings, special interest groups, research projects, and journals and other publications.
Section 3. Official Language. As AsiaTEFL is an international association and as English is not only the most universally used international language but also the professional interest of AsiaTEFL, English shall be the official language for all official international activities of AsiaTEFL.
Article II. Membership |
Section 1. Membership Categories. AsiaTEFL shall provide for the following categories of membership:
- Honorary Members: This category is conferred on individuals in recognition of and appreciation for outstanding service to AsiaTEFL and/or the TEFL profession in general.
- Individual Members: This category is open to individuals who conform to the goals of AsiaTEFL.
- Institutional Members: This category is open to academic institutions, education departments, government organizations, and educational foundations dedicated to furthering the goals of AsiaTEFL.
- Associate Commercial Members: This category is open to commercial organizations that are dedicated to the goals of AsiaTEFL and are willing to support AsiaTEFL in attaining those goals.
Section 2. Membership Fees. Membership fees shall be levied for individual, institutional, and associate commercial members. The amount and method of levying shall be determined by the Executive Council.
Article III. Affiliates |
Section 1. Definition. Geographically based, autonomous academic organizations that support the goals of AsiaTEFL may become Affiliates of AsiaTEFL.
Section 2. Activities. AsiaTEFL shall engage with its Affiliates in activities for the mutual benefit of their associations, such as the exchange of association news and information, academic information, and conference presenters.
Article IV. Officers |
Section 1. Executive Council Composition. The Officers of the AsiaTEFL Executive Council shall be the President(s), President(s)-Elect, Immediate Past President(s), Vice Presidents, Regional Representatives, Executive Directors, General Secretary, and Treasurer. A Committee of Advisors shall also be appointed by the President to advise the Executive Council. The Advisors shall serve at the discretion of the President and may serve under consecutive presidents.
Section 2. Term of Office. The term of office of Executive Council officers shall be two years. A Council officer may serve in the same office for consecutive terms. However, a President's consecutive terms shall be limited to two terms.
Section 3. Election and Appointment.
President(s). The Presidential Selection Committee, which is selected by the current presidents from among the Executive Council and consisting of three to five members, shall screen candidates for president and make a recommendation of at least two candidates to the current presidents for approval by the Executive Council and then for election at the Annual Business Meeting.
The Council may decide on the implementation of a dual-presidency system if deemed necessary by the Council for the effective administration of the Association. The selection procedure shall be the same as above.
President(s)-Elect. There shall be one President-Elect, or two Presidents-Elect in the case of the dual presidency system, who shall ascend to the Presidency one year hence. The position of President-Elect shall be open to any Executive Council member who has served on the Council for a minimum of two years. Selection shall occur one year prior to the conclusion of the term of the current President(s) following the selection procedure for President. The main duties of the President-Elect shall be preparation of the international conferences occurring during their two-year term of office as President to further ensure a sustainable system of conference preparation.
Immediate Past President(s). The term of office of the Immediate Past President(s) shall be for one year. This position shall be filled by any President immediately upon completion of their term of office as President. Their duties shall be to assist AsiaTEFL as deemed appropriate by the current President(s) to further ensure a sustainable system of governance and administration.
Vice Presidents. One or more Vice Presidents shall be nominated by the Regional Representatives for approval by the membership at the Annual Business Meeting. If a nominee fails to obtain approval, the selection process shall be the same as that for President.
Honorary President. The Council may nominate and approve a past president of AsiaTEFL to a position of Honorary President with the associated length of term and voting rights to be determined by the Council.
Regional Representatives. One Regional Representative shall be selected from each Council-designated region of AsiaTEFL to serve on the Council. A nominee shall be put forth by the Council for approval by the Council. Wherever possible, such a nominee shall be a representative of an English teachers' association in that region. The number of full members required of a region for that region to have a seat on the Council shall be determined by the Council. A Regional Representative may appoint an Assistant Regional Representative, who shall not be a Council Member, as may be needed to execute the duties of the Regional Representative.
Executive Directors. The Executive Directors shall be nominated by the President and approved by the Regional Representatives. Initially, there shall be one Executive Director each in charge of Conference, Publications, Membership, Research, Technologies, Internal Affairs, External Affairs, and Financial Affairs. However, the number of Executive Directors and their duties may be adjusted by the Executive Council.
General Secretary. The General Secretary shall be appointed by the President and shall serve at the discretion of the President.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President and shall serve at the discretion of the President.
Directors. Directors shall be appointed by the President and serve at the discretion of the President as deemed necessary to assist specific Executive Directors is executing the duties of that office. Directors shall not be voting members of the Executive Council.
Advisors. Advisors shall be appointed by the President and serve at the discretion of the President as deemed necessary to provide the Executive Council with guidance, direction, and foresight. Advisors shall not be voting members of the Executive Council.
Additional Officers. Additional Executive Council positions may be created by the Council, and their terms of office and voting rights set by the Council. Such nominations shall be made and approved by the Council.
Section 4. Duties.
The President shall represent the organization, oversee overall business of the organization, preside over the Executive Council meetings and Annual Business Meetings, and be responsible for promoting relationships with other organizations. The President shall also be, ex officio, a member of all committees formed within AsiaTEFL.
The Vice Presidents shall assist the President by chairing committees vital to the operations of the organization, supervising special projects and undertaking such other responsibilities as the President may delegate. A Vice President shall also assume the responsibilities of the President in his or her temporary absence and shall succeed to the Presidency for the remainder of the President's term in case the office is vacated.
The General Secretary shall be responsible to the Executive Council and the President for the implementation of policies and for the general administration of AsiaTEFL's activities.
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds belonging to AsiaTEFL and shall be responsible for keeping a record of all transactions of AsiaTEFL.
The Executive Directors shall be charged with specific responsibilities within AsiaTEFL and may head a committee if such is deemed necessary.
- The Conference Executive Director shall organize and oversee the Annual AsiaTEFL Conference.
- The Publications Executive Director shall oversee the dissemination of information through the publication of the AsiaTEFL Journal, the newsletter, and other official publications.
- The Membership Executive Director shall be responsible for providing membership services, maintaining membership records, and maintaining and increasing AsiaTEFL membership.
- The Research Executive Director shall be in charge of the research activities of AsiaTEFL, including overseeing research projects, the awarding of research grants, and the exchange of research scholars.
- The Technologies Executive Director shall be responsible the maintaining the AsiaTEFL website, maintaining a membership database, and related activities.
- The Internal Affairs Executive Director shall be responsible for communications and coordination of activities with the Regional Representatives of AsiaTEFL.
- The External Affairs Executive Director shall be responsible for communications and coordination of activities with outside professional and other organizations.
- The Financial Executive Director shall be responsible for securing operational funds for AsiaTEFL through sponsors and other fundraising activities.
Section 5. Executive Council Vacancies. Any vacancy on the Executive Council, with the exception of that of the President, shall be filled by a selection process acceptable to a simple majority of the Council.
Article VI. Executive Council Meeting |
Section 1. Regular Meetings. The AsiaTEFL Executive Council shall meet at least once annually. In addition, the Council may conduct its business by other expedient means such as telephone, email, fax, and/or mail.
Section 2. Special Meetings. The Executive Council shall be able to call a special meeting with thirty days advance notice being given to the members.
Section 3. Quorum. A quorum for an Executive Council meeting shall be defined as being at least one third of the members of the Council.
Article VII. Committees |
Section 1. Publications Committee
Appointment. The Publications Committee shall be appointed by the President and overseen by the Publications Executive Director.
Duties. The Publications Committee shall review papers and publish The AsiaTEFL Journal, and shall be in charge of publication of other research collections, the AsiaTEFL newsletter, and other publications of AsiaTEFL.
Section 2. Conference Committee
Appointment. The Conference Committee shall be appointed by the President and overseen by the Conference Executive Director.
Duties. The Conference Committee shall be charged with organizing and holding an international conference annually to be referred to as the 'Annual AsiaTEFL Conference.'
Venue. The Annual AsiaTEFL Conference may be held in any region from which AsiaTEFL draws its members and may be held jointly with a national conference of an ELT or closely related professional association.
Section 3. Other Committees. The President may authorize other standing and ad hoc committees as may be needed to conduct the affairs of AsiaTEFL.
Section 4. Annual Reports. Standing committees shall make an annual report to the Executive Council.
Article VIII. Financial Audit |
Section 1. Financial Audit An audit of the financial transactions of Asia TEFOL shall be performed at least, but not limited to, once a year as directed by the Council.
Article IX. Amendments to the Constitution |
Section 1. Amendments. The Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of members provided that notice of the proposed change has been given to the general membership at least thirty days prior to the vote. The Constitution may be amended without such prior notice only at the Annual Business Meeting; in which case, any proposed change shall require approval by three-fourths of the members present.
Approved |
November 7, 2003. |
Amended |
August 19, 2006. |
Amended |
June 8, 2007. |
Amended |
November 6, 2015. |
Amended |
June 2, 2016. |
Amended |
July 14, 2017. |
Amended |
June 28, 2018. |
Amended |
June 27, 2019. |